- Preparing Anointed
- Leaders Discipling the Nations
- Logos - Rhema " Rom.10:17
a. Inner Healing –
INNER HEALING is the process of bringing wholeness to a persons inner life spirit. soul and body.
INNER HEALING is not deliverance even though it may involve deliverance.
INNER HEALING is more focused on HEALING the SOUL realm of the MIND, WILL & EMOTIONS.
You can be SAVED spiritually speaking but not FREE. You can be SAVED following Jesus and guaranteed a place in heaven but still live a life trapped in mental and or emotional bondage.
Yes, a Christian may be FREE from sin and yet still be suffering the consequences of sin. In this case the process of INNER HEALING is important.
TRUE INNER HEALING occurs when we see Christ moving freely within the scene as it actually happened.
INNER HEALING is not a list of formulas, even though I may present it that way. Inner healing, like all counseling by God, is a living encounter with a living God. Healing only takes place when we are touched by Jesus. He was actually there when the painful event took place. Only experiencing the living Christ can set us free.
He has sent me to heal the brokenhearted, to proclaim liberty to the captives and ... to set at liberty those who are oppressed.” ( Matthew 11:28-29
It is very important to respond to Jesus’ calling to receive the inner healing that He has provided to us .
b. Biblical counselling
Since God is a Wonderful Counselor, I can receive free ongoing counsel from Him (Isa.
9:6). God said that the pure in heart would see Him (Matt. 5:8).
You can live out of God’s voice all day, by simply seeing Him alongside you (He is Immanuel, God
with me), and staying tuned to spontaneity all day long. The Bible calls this abiding in Christ (see
John 15:4) or “praying without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17). So ,the ability to hear God’s voice is
important to be counseled by God, because you need to talk with Him , to be counseled by Him ,to
share and plan with God. you need to develop an intimate relationship with God. You need too, to
hear well His voice , to meet with Him face to face, to experience with Him, to have new
revelation (wisdom and knowledge from revelation). All are possible when you have ability
to hear God’s voice.
He thatdwelleth in the secret place of the Most High shall abide under the shadow of the Almighty
The place where you develop an intimate relationship with God is called, the secret place.
God talks about a place called the secret place; it’s a promise of protection, safety, and
communion with God. it is the place where Abraham met God and spoke to him as one man
speaks to another. It is the place where you too, can meet God face to face. you can share your true
feeling and your fear and develop your relationship with Him.
“I will instruct you and teach you in the way which you should go; I will counsel you with My eye upon you" (Ps.32:8).
In the Old Testament God delivered His people out of the bondage and slavery of Pharaoh in Egypt to the freedom of God’s Promised Land in Canaan. This was a physical DELIVERANCE which was led by Moses the deliverer.
God’s people were set free from bondage and freed from slavery. In the New Testament God uniquely delivered His people out of the bondage of Satan to the freedom of a New Creation. This was a spiritual DELIVERANCE which was led by Jesus Christ.
Deliverance is God’s Kingdom overthrowing Satan’s Kingdom in your life but first you have to make a choice which Kingdom you want to abide in. God’s or Satan’s.
3.Intercession prayer
Intercession is spiritual warfare coupled with prayer. Your spiritual warfare will stop the enemy’s action against you. Your prayer will prompt God to move on your behalf.
The enemy has a strategy for every nation and ministry. In time of war it is the generals who make the battle plans. The Lord wanted us to meet together to hear His plan of strategy, as He revealed it through the different ministries, and learn how to put it into action. God desired his body of intercessors to pray in unit.
An intercessor is a man or woman – or child – who fights on behalf of others. As such, intercession is the activity that identifies us most with Christ. To be an intercessor is to be like Jeus because that is what Jesus is like . he ever livers to intercede.
4.Sanctification prayer
The apostle prays also for sanctification: sanctification is a progressive, gradual work, it is like seed cast into the earth, which springs up, first the blade, then the ear, then the full corn in the ear, and is as light, which shines more and more to the perfect day.
Sanctified persons are first as newborn babes, and then they grow up to be young men, and at last become fathers in Christ; and this work being begun, is carried on, and will be performed, fulfilled, and made perfect: and it is God's work to do it; he begins, and he carries it on, and he will finish it; and therefore the apostle prays to him to do it; this is his first petition: the second follows, and I pray God your whole spirit, soul and body, be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.
5. Retreat
Jesus often retreated to be alone to pray and spend time with God. For example, in Mark 1:35, Jesus left the house early in the morning to pray in a solitary place. In Luke 6:12, Jesus spent the night praying on a mountainside.
“Be still and know that I am God” (Psalm 46:10) stands in stark contrast. A quick concordance count reveals that words like “silent” or “silence” or “quiet” or “still” show up over 200 times in the Bible. In some cases, it is all of creation which stops to listen to the Lord: “But the LORD is in His holy temple. Let all the earth be silent before Him” (Habakkuk 2:20). In other cases, such as Psalm 46 or Psalm 62:5, it is a direct call to an individual. Surrounded by noise, it is not possible to hear God’s voice in the way we want and need.
6. Coaching
a. Christian life Coaching
The focus of Christian Life Coaching is to help clients set and reach their goals, maximize their potential, and step more fully into their God-given calling. Finding solutions is a results-oriented systematic progression and although life coaches act as facilitators to help unlock potential and gifting, it is the client who primarily guides the process. In that regard, life coaches aid learning and development through active experiential discovery, more so than merely “teaching” a method or approach. The key here is to understand coaching as a journey that takes place over time through a relational alliance between the life coach, the client, and the Lord. Critical to the outcome is providing a safe and trustworthy environment through an authentic relationship that allows a client to hear from and cooperate with the Holy Spirit in his or her life.
b. Hearing God's Voice - Coaching
Wouldn’t it be wonderful to clearly hear God’s voice every single day for the rest of your life? Did you know that God is always speaking to you? Do you know what His voice sounds like? You can receive daily counsel from the Wonderful Counselor Who teaches you how to live in faith, hope and love and Who guides you in cultivating great relationships with family and friends.
Discover divine patterns for approaching God and four vital keys that will allow you to clearly hear His voice every day. Intimacy with God will be enhanced as you learn how to discern His voice from other voices which clamor for your attention and to record what God reveals to you using two-way journaling as you confirm it through a variety of methods. You WILL experience Jesus’ promise that, “My sheep hear My voice” (Jn. 10:27). Your life will be transformed!
C. War in the Spirit - Coaching
“For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities and powers….” How often are Christians caught unaware of the enemy who rages around them seeking to devour them. With proper understanding and perspective, we can effectively engage the enemy and defeat him and his efforts against our lives, families, ministries and homes. Be a trained and prepared soldier.
“ and ye shall know the truth , and the truth shall set you free” ( John 8:32)
The child of God allows Satan to bluff, bluster and coerce him into submission and defeat when he has ready to aid him all the power of the resurrected, victorious Christ!
The problem? Lack of knowledge. ( Hos. 4:6). Oh , that we might know how to use the word of God as Jesus did when He defeated Satan with, “ It is written.”
D. God’s provision for healing - Coaching
If You don't know the Lord as your Healer, you are missing a major dimension of your relationship with Him. Healing was important to God. Healing is the will of the God (3 John 2 (KJV)
It's necessary you understand healing is always God's will. John 6:38 For I have come down from heaven, not to do My own will, but the will of Him who sent Me.
As you follow Jesus through the Gospels, you find He ministered healing in many different situations.
His compassion for the sick was constantly evident. Healing was a large part of His ministry (Mark 1:40,41)
Healing was important to Jesus because He came to do the God's will (Hebrews 10:7)
Healing is important because it's the Lord's way of confirming His Word to a lost and dying world
(Mark 16:20)
The world today needs Jesus. God has commissioned me to go everywhere with accompanying
signs to confirm His Word. Casting out demons and healing the sick will help open the eyes of
people to the truth of the gospel. Learn how to receive and minister God’s healing power.