- Preparing Anointed
- Leaders Discipling the Nations
- Logos - Rhema " Rom.10:17
Intercession prayer
Intercession is spiritual warfare coupled with prayer. Your spiritual warfare will stop the enemy’s action against you. Your prayer will prompt God to move on your behalf.
The enemy has a strategy for every nation and ministry. In time of war it is the generals who make the battle plans. The Lord wanted us to meet together to hear His plan of strategy, as He revealed it through the different ministries, and learn how to put it into action. God desired his body of intercessors to pray in unit.
An intercessor is a man or woman – or child – who fights on behalf of others. As such, intercession is the activity that identifies us most with Christ. To be an intercessor is to be like Jeus because that is what Jesus is like . he ever livers to intercede.