Christian Leadership School Of Impartation

Not Studies About God, but Encounter With God


"Christian Leadership School of Impartation" does not have a residential Bible School. All of the work is done from your own computer at home in your own country.

Find the hidden Word of God in our hearts (Ps. 119:11)


about us

1.We value the principle of hiding the Word in our hearts (Ps. 119:11) so highly that Lamad Curriculum requires participants to memorize a life-changing verse from the Bible in nearly every lesson of every course.
2.We value the principle of acting only according to the Father’s initiative (Jn. 5:30; 8:26; 14:10) so highly that Lamad Curriculum requires participants to hear from God personally in nearly every lesson, and to record what He is saying to them.

more about us

Rev. Dr. Cyprien Afrika

Bible School Coordinator and Teacher

Pst. Sereze Uwambajimana

Bible School Coordinator

The Life of Christ

Explore in depth the greatest life ever lived, that of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. Learn what He taught. See how He lived. Walk with Him along the Sea of Galilee. Let Him speak directly into your heart as you journey with Him. As the disciples on the Emmaus road walked with Jesus they said to one another, “Were not our hearts burning within us while He was speaking to us on the road, while He was explaining the Scriptures to us?” Likewise, the Holy Spirit can explain the Scriptures to us today, and grant us insight and revelation (Eph. 1:17, 18) as we meditate through the gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke and John. May we learn to radiate Christ!


Invite Rev. Dr. Cyprien Afrika to your community for “healing the heart Seminar!”

Rev. Dr. Cyprien is currently teaching and now is your opportunity to book him for a seminar, retreat, etc in your region.

He is available to minister across the world with Healing the heart, works through counseling, teaching, condensed as one session or up to a full weekend of training. His passion is simply to get the message out as far and wide as possible: God heals us through hearing His voice and doing what He says.

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